Uncovering Hidden Opportunities and Attracting Offers

Uncovering Hidden Opportunities and Attracting Offers

Magnetic Candidates: Uncovering Hidden Opportunities and Attracting Offers

Ready, Set, Find it, Get it!

Don’t laugh at me, but feel free to laugh-cry with me if you can relate. I’ve been working on a blog about the Paralysis that comes with being Overwhelmed for almost a week now. It shouldn’t take me a week to write it, but I found myself in a bit of a state of overwhelm with so much to say that I couldn’t focus properly. After using some of my David Allen Getting Things Done tips and tools. I have so much to say (too much) AND perhaps a bit of perfectionism that was getting in the way of progress.

Perfect is the enemy of good enough. - Voltaire, Meg Whitman, someone else?

So, instead of perfection you’re getting this!

The heart of our business is helping small and midsize businesses (SMBs) sustainably scale by supporting, coaching, and consulting with SMB leaders. Many of our clients and SMB leaders are stuck, furloughed, laid-off, and/or looking for a role where they can thrive and contribute max value, but in the pandemic-era it can quickly feel impossible to find a landing place where you can make a valuable impact. The job search landscape is crowded and oftentimes chaotic. The good news: there are jobs to be found. But, how?

For some, it feels your entire network of connections and prior colleagues is also job searching. How can you find a job, when it seems none of your close connections are employed or they’re not yet established at a new company?


  • Manage your mindset and surround yourself with healthy moral support

  • Clarify your vision and goals related to your career – industry and types of companies you are looking at (size, culture, public/private, etc.)

    • What you are looking for, and where you would like to look (target industry/target companies)?

  • Brainstorm possible companies that fit your target. Research. Explore a Book of Lists at your local library

  • Get crystal clear on what makes you uniquely valuable (value proposition)

    • How have previous bosses, co-workers, mentors describe you?


  • Make a plan and work your plan every week. When you get up each morning, you should know what you need to do, which is easier than coming up with inspired ‘to dos’-on-the-fly.

  • Find a few job postings that look like your dream job as well as from companies you may target, whether they are open, closed, near or far. Highlight key industry terms and phrases to incorporate into your resume.

  • Draft an elevator pitch and do not settle until you have one that energizes you. You will know it when you have it! Practice different versions with people you trust.

  • Craft statements about your accomplishments, quantifying the impact. After you’ve drafted a statement, as yourself ‘So what, who cares?’ Have you truly captured the magnitude and amazingness?

  • Elevate your resume, bio, LinkedIn profile incorporating accomplishments, elevator pitch, industry keywords, and your unique value proposition.

Find it

  • Research possible target companies. As you learn about them, add them to your list or remove them.

  • Focus your networking and seek out informational interviews with others in your industry, connectors, people at your target companies.

    • Introverts, there are ways to network-with-purpose to make it work for you

  • Do not chase every job post or pray-and-spray your resume to every job website and person in your network.

  • Do not email your resume to your connections asking them if they know of any positions for you. Do send them an excerpt from your elevator pitch or intro paragraph from resume or bio.

Get it!

  • Prepare for your interview - you know yourself and what works for you. For me, the number one thing is to get a good night’s sleep.

    • Practice story telling based on your key accomplishments

    • Skim through sample behavioral interview questions

    • Try a few mock interviews with someone you trust, if it will help calm your nerves. Don’t over-practice much like over-rehearsing it’ll likely amp your nerves up and make you a bit stilted or robotic in an interview.

  • Have a system for following-up on everything including requests for informational interviews and send thoughtful thank-yous.

  • Know the role’s worth and negotiate accordingly. If the thought makes you uncomfortable, arm yourself with a few key responses and practice with a trusted confidant if that’s helpful.

  • Prepare to land with a 100-day plan - build and execute a plan to get up to speed and get results quickly by engaging the culture, managing your message, setting team direction, aligning your team, and ultimately delivering results. Some positions may even ask for a sample 100-day plan as part of the hiring process for a senior leadership role.

Red Flags and Lessons Learned

Looking for your next career landing place can be tiresome, discouraging, and downright brutal. If you don’t like how a company is treating it’s candidates, I suggest two things:

  1. Lessons Learned - Take note of what you would do differently, so you can drive change when you land.

  2. Red Flags - Evaluate the situation to see if this is likely the company’s culture and a preview of their employee experience, or if it’s merely well-intentioned people not well versed, equipped, prepared to provide a highly desirable candidate experience. While you’re in the thick-of-the-experience, bounce your perspective off of someone you trust to listen-to-understand AND provide you with an objective perspective.

It’s easy to lose confidence and convince yourself there are no opportunities for you especially during COVID. It may not be easy, but there is a dream job for you. With a focused plan and support, you will discover it.

If you’re looking for a boost to jump start your job search, schedule time for a complimentary resume or LinkedIn profile review. We’ll uncover opportunities to Magnetize your executive resume or LinkedIn profile. Our goal for this call is to provide YOU with value. No selling; that’s a promise.

Need a visual prompt to remind you about key tips to Uncovering Hidden Opportunities and Attracting Offers, download our Infographic.

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